October 13, 2021, Corolla NC - We are thrilled to share Focal Point Coaching & Training ribbon cutting event and our fantastic horse tour with Wild Horse Adventure Tours in Corolla.   We had wonderful guides who were well-versed in the history of the horses that had lived in Corolla for 500 years.

A special thank you to Sam Wise of Wild Horse Adventure Tours for giving the Chamber members the opportunity to take this great adventure.  If you have never taken this tour, we would recommend everyone to contact Wild Horse Tours and embark on a trip they will never forget. Contact for Wild Horse Adventure Tours:  252-489-2020 or visit www.wildhorsetour.com

When we returned, were excited to conduct a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Stacey Barnes of Focal Point Coaching Training. Stacey also provided a delicious BBQ meal, after which we spent the remainder of evening socializing and networking.

Stacey's company is meant to help leaders and organizations position themselves for long-term success, which we can all agree is crucial for all sizes of businesses that need assistance in becoming more successful and maintaining that success. We are delighted to welcome him to the Chamber; for more information on his program, please contact him at 757-450-8545 or sbarnes@focalpointcoaching.com

Among his other accomplishments is that he is an award-winning BBQ pit master; everyone raved about how delicious his food was.

If you enjoyed the event, please post a nice review on Trip Advisor or Google, and don't forget to mention the fantastic tour guides.

Thank you to all who attended our exciting adventure in Corolla.

Top Pictured:  Center Stacey Barnes and wife Jennifer surrounded by Currituck Chamber of Commerce members.

Lower picture:  front Ken & Brenda Bowman, Jodie Musolino